Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best South Park Episodes by Season A LIST

Season 1 - An Elephant Fucks A Pig -  Classic Early South Park. Name alone says it all. The addition of the clone Stan makes this hysterical.

 Season 2 - Chef Aid - A very uncommon thing these days happened in this episode.  A whole bunch of guest stars. The stories of how Chef helped artists before they got famous is great.

Season 3 - Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery - Hard to pick just one episode for Season 3 but here it is.  A comment on heavy metal music and any music in general in which peoeple automatically get pissed off before listening to it.

Season 4 - Trapper Keeper -  Great Terminator/Florida recount episode. Garrison/Trey's rant to Rosie O'Donnell is right on the money to stuck up Celebs.

Season 5 - Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants -  If and when I make a top 10 best episode list of South Park this is going to be very high on the list.  Funny funnny take on the Invasion of Afganistan.  The scenes between Cartman and Osama Bin Laden are a great mash up of South Park and Looney Toons humor.

Season 6 - Child Abduction Is Not Funny - In my opinion Season 6 is the best season of South Park thus far so again it was hard to pick only 1 from it.  But this episode is still timeless to me in terms of laughs.

Season 7 -  Christian Rock Hard -  Great show about downloading music. Also hysterical are the songs about Jesus.  Hamlet 2 ripped a few jokes off from this episode (wouldn't be the first time a movie or TV show has stolen Trey and Matt's Jokes)

Season 8 - The Passion Of The Jew - Trey and Matt like Mel Gibson movies....but they really didn't like The Passion of The Christ. Funny take on the issue brought up by that film. The Daffy Duck version of Mel was years before the phone rants which makes it all the funnier today.

Season 9 - Free Willyzyx -  The final shot is just amazing.  The episode itself is funny but that final shot.... so stupid yet considering what the episode is all about......brilliant.

Season 10 - Make Love Not War Craft - Great story and so many funny jokes in this one.  Got a much deserved Emmy award.  Great Randy moments.

Season 11 - With Apologies To Jesse Jackson - Another incredibly stupid yet brilliant episode.  One of Randy's best and Cartman fighting the little person is incredible. N _ G G E R S.  People who Annoy You.

Season 12 - Major Boobage - Has one of my favorite cut jokes of all time. Also a great send up to the 80s movie Heavy Metal.

Season 13 - Fishsticks - One joke used for 22 mins yet still remains funny til the end.  Maybe the reason I love this episode so much is how much I fucking hate Kayne West.  It is my goal to get him to sign a copy of my DVD of Season 13....than call him a gayfish just to see his reaction.  One of the best South Park endings.

Season 14 - ? Season 14 has finished and had some really good episodes but I can't pick a fav because Ive only watched a few.